Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Family & Friends Night

Towards the end of every year, the students in our school put on what we call Family & Friends Night. {It's basically an open house, but the students also perform in a short program.}  Ours was April 30th this year.  And yes, I know that was quite a while ago, but I am so proud of my students that I wanted to share it with you anyway.

After a delicious pizza supper, we started our program.  This year our songs and reading parts were all patriotic themed.  

I loved hearing the students read about the founding of our country, the making of our flag, and the fight for our freedom.

After the program, everyone headed to our elementary classrooms.  Our rooms and hallways were filled with student projects for the parents to see.

One class made dioramas from different habitats.

The older elementary classes brought in science projects.  This student researched eggs and chickens.  He even brought in a live chick!

The second grade class made a combined bug collection. {Although I am pretty sure that the boys from several grades were bringing in bugs during recess for a while.}

  We also displayed several of the projects and papers from our Roald Dahl author study.

Our Memorial Day agamographs were a big hit as parents walked down the hallway toward our classroom.
Another parental favorite is our student writing binders.  In each binder, I include a copy of everything the student has written throughout the year from journal entries to research reports.  Not only are these fun to look at, but parents love having all their student's writing for the year in one easy to keep collection.
We end the evening with our yearbook dedication.  Then every student gets a yearbook.  Most of them start the signing process right then.  It's so cute to watch the younger kids signing their names in huge letters in each others' books.  Of course, it's also a little bittersweet to be asked to sign the yearbooks of your students who are growing up right before your eyes.  
All in all, Family & Friends Night is a huge amount of work for both students and teachers.  But it is always worth it to see the pride the students take in showing off their hard work to their friends and family members!

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