Friday, April 3, 2015

Five for Friday with Sale and 2 Giveaways!

I am so excited about this Friday because we have today off for Good Friday.  It feels so relaxing to not have to get up and ready quite as early as normal.
So I am linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching for their Five for Friday fun to share with you some of the exciting things that have happened this week in my life!

After at least 2 months straight of being stuck inside for recess, my kids finally got to play outside this week.  We were all pretty excited {including me}.  The temp was only up to 39 degrees, but the snow had mostly all melted away and the ground was dry.  So outside we went.

 Being outside meant I had to deal with more arguments than normal as kids tried to remember the rules for games like dodgeball. Hopefully they will get used to these games again, and next week will be better,

Our school had 2 days of standardized testing this week.  I know that is shorter than many other schools and classes, but it still isn't fun for the students.  I was inspired by all the other caring teachers whose blogs I read, and I tried to inspire my kids a little better this year.  
 I used fun task cards to review on Monday and promised them brownies and ice cream for putting forth their best effort. {Last year I had a lot of obvious guessing through whole tests.}
You could really tell that the kids were thinking and trying this year.  I was proud of how hard they all worked for 2 straight days!

 Thursday afternoon, we had brownies and ice cream as a reward!

Sunday is Easter, and I am looking forward to remembering Christ's resurrection in our church service.  Because Sunday is such a busy day already, my family has decided to hold our Easter celebration on Saturday.  We are doing an Easter egg hunt, my sister-in-law has a special Easter dessert for the kids to help with, and we will be eating a huge meal.

Coconut Macaroon Nutella Nests on Fun to make and fun to eat! A great treat for spring!

{Doesn't this treat look delicious? The kids will fill the macaroon nests with Nutella and chocolate eggs. Click on the picture for more info.}

If you want to continue celebrating Easter next week with your class, I have some cute Easter themed story problem task cards.  Each card features a 2 step story problem dealing with Easter related topics like candy, eggs, or Easter baskets.

Easter story problem task cards

 These cards are an easy way to review simple math operations while having some Easter fun!

Some blogger friends and I got together to offer our readers an amazing giveaway!  You can win one of 3 prizes - $100 to Amazon, $75 to TPT, or $50 to TPT.  Who wouldn't want to win a prize that big?!  Today is the last day to enter so make sure you click on the picture below.  It will take you to my blog post with the rafflecopter.

Spring in our Step giveaway

Probably by now most of you have heard about the launch of Educents new marketplace.  You can now buy many of my teaching products here.  For the grand opening of this new feature, Educents has given several groups of sellers $50 to give away for lucky winners to spend at the new stores!  You can enter my group's giveaway by clicking on the picture below.

Educents giveaway and sale 

When you click on the picture and head over to the giveaway, you can also pick up 2 sets of my grammar task cards FREE!  I am also holding a sale in my new store.  You can read about how to grab the freebies and get even more items free in this post.

As you can see, my week has been eventful.  I hope your upcoming week is just as exciting as last week was for me. {Maybe you will win an amazing giveaway!}

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to check out educents. That's great that they are launching a marketplace. Happy Easter!
    Joya :)
