If you have been on social media at all this week, you may have already seen or heard about the #TpTsellerchallenge happening right now. For the next four weeks, a huge group of teachers are being challenged to complete different projects in their stores.
Week 1 was Makeover Madness, and the challenge was to choose at least one product to makeover.

I had no difficult choosing which products to redo. {In fact, I have a whole list of older products that need redone. It's amazing how much you learn even in just six months or so.}
So far this week, I have completely updated 3 of my products.
All three products needed some drastic help. I used frames, fonts, and clipart that I liked better for the covers. Not only that, but I also updated the task cards as well. I resized the task cards to be a little larger (easier for little hands to work with).
My makeover tasks are not complete though. I realized that many of my earlier products didn't even have my store name or logo anywhere on them! I am in the process of going through all my products and adding my logo and store name, a recommendation page, and links to similar products in the description. It is a very time consuming process, but it definitely needs to be done.
One of the things that I appreciate most about this challenge is the chance to learn from some amazing sellers. Of course, it has given me even more to work on though. For example, I learned that saving my products as a PDF is not enough to make the clipart secure (which is what most artist's Terms of Use requires). It needs to be a SECURE PDF. So I am also going back and securing all my products correctly before uploading them again.
I am certainly having fun updating all my products though. (Good thing I like this, right?) All 3 of the products above are on sale for $1 until Saturday in my TpT store. I am also going to be putting more items on sale as I update them throughout the summer. I will be posting sale items on my Facebook page. You can follow it to hear about new sale items and freebies!
Thanks especially to the following bloggers for hosting this amazing challenge!
Looks great!! I remember when I first started and I heard about other sellers redoing their work (which I already thought was fabulous). I thought my stuff was great....at first. Once you get the hang of things your style changes!