1st grade read the story "A Snack for Two" in our reading books this week. So to go along with the story, we wrote about our own forest snack. {In case you can't read what this says, Colby would bring Lucky Charms and lemonade and sit on a log to eat his forest snack.}
We did lots of other things that I don't have pictures for as well.
- 4th grade started writing their how-to papers.
- 6th grade started learning about the different types of characters found in stories and started a new English unit. They are going to be writing persuasive essays. I can't wait to see what they choose to persuade others to do!
- 3rd grade started a week long poetry unit. We are reading and looking at some of the poems by Robert Louis Stevenson. I will be posting more about that when we finish our unit this week.
- 1st grade has been learning all about blends - both at the beginning and ending of words.
We have been busy!!
We had a half day Thursday and then our Fall Festival Thursday night. It looked like the kids all had a blast! There was free pizza, goodies to buy at the Country Store, games, candy, hayrides, and cupcake and pie eating contests!
The 1st - 3rd graders were especially excited about the cupcake eating contest. They wolfed those cupcakes down as fast as they could!
And the winner is....Danny! |
We closed the Festival with a message from God's Word. And the kids even sat and listened well{despite the obvious sugar high they were all on by this point}.
And Friday was a day off. I don't know about anyone else, but I really enjoyed having that extra free day this weekend. I was able to get quite a bit of prep work done for next week - especially for my reading units.
What did you do with your extra time with your children?
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